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Women's Ministry

"Women must likewise be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate, faithful in all things."

-1 Timothy 3:11

Women's Ministry seeks to encourage, equip, and instruct women in the Word of God through fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. The purpose is to connect the women at MVBC around the Lord Jesus Christ, to encourage them to grow in godliness, and to mature in Him, giving God all the glory.

Below are the various ministry opportunities in Women's Ministry at MVBC. If you have any questions, contact




Women's Retreat

Coming 2025

Join the ladies of MVBC for a weekend of fellowship, teaching, and relaxation! The retreat is held at Living Waters Ranch in Challis. For more information, contact the church office at

Prayer Group

Every Other Thursday | 12:30 pm

Scripture repeatedly commands believers to be in prayer for all things. So, every other Friday, ladies gather at the church to pray over various requests, as well as praising God for all He has done.

Luncheon Fellowship

Third Saturdays | 12:00 pm

Godly disciplines are vital for a Christian who is serious about growing in their faith. Join the ladies of MVBC each month as they host a luncheon and a devotional Bible study at the church. Women of all ages are welcome, and the study is currently using Barbara Hughes' "Disciplines of a Godly Woman" book as a guide.

Bible Study

Thursdays | 1:30 pm

Every Thursday, ladies gather at the church for a time of Bible study, fellowship, and prayer. Currently, they are studying through all the prayers of the Bible (using Herbert Lockyer's resource of the same title). All ladies are welcome to join as we seek to understand the riches of Christ through His Word.


204 Main Ave North

Twin Falls ID, 83301

Service Times

Sunday Mornings: 9 am

Dig Deep (Fall and Spring): 11 am

Wednesday Evenings: 6:15 pm


(208) 733 - 5248

Magic Valley Bible Church

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