2023 Youth Summer Camp
The Amazing Race
July 13–17
"Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win."
1 Corinthians 9:24
The Christian life requires a great deal of endurance. We are not called to simply say a prayer and continue living sinful lives, but rather we are called to pursue Christ daily in every aspect of our lives. This means sacrificing our old way of living, and seeking to glorify God in all things. Paul tells the Corinthians that this is by no means an easy task, but one that is greatly rewarding. So how do we pursue Christ in all things? How do we run this race our entire lives? By devoting ourselves wholly to Christ and Scripture.
Each year, youth kids enjoy Bible teaching, swimming, games, food, hiking, and fellowship at the 4-H Camp in Ketchum, ID, all while being encouraged and sharpened by godly mentors. The cost of early registration (until June 11) is $125. Regular registration (after June 11) is $150. Checks can be made out to "Magic Valley Bible Church," with "Youth Camp" written in the memo. Cash can be paid to the church office, or to Casey Brown. If you have any questions, contact Casey Brown at (208) 420-6094.